In Memory of David Petersen
Dave Petersen died on Saturday, May 27th at his home with his family by his side. He was raised in the Bone Lake area, attended Lafollete Grade School, and graduated from Luck High School in 1963 with near perfect attendance. In his high school years, Dave was well known for daring and high-speed driving in any vehicle he could get his hands on.
Dave married his high school sweetheart, Lois Jackson in August 1965.
Dave worked in the meat department at the Fairway Store in Luck until 1976, when he and Lois bought the Gambles Store from his parents, becoming 2nd generation owners. Dave knew his customers well and would often go above and beyond by driving to town after hours to ensure they had what they needed, even if it was only a small sale. He knew every inch of the store and thrived on finding the right part for every job, and solving problems alongside his customers. Dave was also very loyal to local businesses and prided himself in supporting their families as they supported his.
Dave and Lois bought the property for their forever home in 1977. Together they enjoyed many adventures, none more impressive than taming 80 wooded acres into a ten-acre lawn and building a beautiful home among the trees. Dave dedicated himself to the life-long task of creating and maintaining winding trails through the woods. Never far from a chainsaw, Dave cut and stacked many cord of wood each year for the stone fireplace in the house and heat for his remarkable workshop. Dave and Lois had two children, Kari and Shaun. Dave was a driven and hard-working man, but always ate supper with the family and took time to visit with his kids about their day each night as he tucked them in to bed.
Dave sold the hardware store in 1999 and went to work at 4-Seasons Wood Products for the next 12 years. He put in a good day’s work, and delighted in the comradery of the team. He assumed the role of sage old man, often sharing unsolicited, though good-natured advice to his fellow employees. By no means wasteful, he became a savior to thousands of pieces of scrap wood for numerous projects, all built to last back home in his shop. To say he kept his shop organized, would be a major understatement; his tools were always cleaned and returned to their rightful place.
Dave will be remembered by many as the man who maintained a park-sized lawn by mowing nearly every day from spring to snow fall, string trimming, and picking up leaves from hundreds of trees year after year. For many, the everlasting memory will be seeing Dave on his John Deere mower, an Old Milwaukee in one hand, and giving a kind salute with his pointer finger raised high in the air.
When Dave learned of his cancer diagnosis, he readily chose to focus on the quality of his life and spent his last year doing the things he loved most. He was able to maintain his independence, though he graciously accepted care along the way. He spent more time with his children, deepening their relationship reminiscing and creating new memories. He enjoyed visits from friends and family, many of whom regularly brightened his days throughout the last months of his life.
Dave is preceded in death by his wife, Lois, parents Jess and Lu Petersen and brother Chuck Petersen. He will be greatly missed by Kari and Ben Mattson and their children Soren, Skylar, and Marin and Shaun and Lisa Petersen and their children Jaden, Xander, Peyton, Anna, and Juan; sisters Betty Johnson and Janice Bystrom.
A celebration of life will be held at the Petersen home on Friday June 16 from 3-6pm. We invite you to join us to share an Old Milwaukee, a memory, and a walk in Dave’s woods.
Last Update: Jun 07, 2023 11:52 am CDT