
Weekly Wag From H.S.B.C.

Weekly Wag From H.S.B.C.

The dog days of summer aren’t quite upon us, but it certainly is raining dogs at HSBC! Here are a couple of our available residents to put a bit of pizzazz into your steamy days.

Stormy is a beautiful and friendly 10-month-old shepherd mix with a striking tan and black brindle coat. This active girl is about 45 pounds, is mostly housebroken, and is confident and energetic. Stormy would love a job to do and is more interested in praise than food as a reward. She loves people but is not crazy about other dogs and thinks cats are to chase. At this time, it is recommended Stormy be an only pet - although the staff is working on her socialization with dogs. She likes to play, enjoys human attention, and is willing to learn. If you’re ready to weather a storm, contact HSBC to meet this whirlwind.

Speaking of energetic, Dash just wants to have fun! Dash is a young border collie mix with a bit of tan across his mask. This little bandit is about 40 pounds, has a docked tail and is housebroken. He needs a few manners but sits nicely and shakes for treats. Dash takes a great deal of interest in everything going on around him and does not want to miss a thing. He LOVES to play ball and would be thrilled if you were up to the task. Dash is a nice boy who would love an active family of his own. If you’re ok with wet tennis balls, Dash may be the one for you.

If you are interested in Stormy or Dash, please call HSBC to arrange for a meet and greet during public hours.

HSBC is currently looking for part-time animal care attendants. For more information on duties and how to apply, visit their web page.

With the influx of dogs, HSBC needs a few supplies. If you can spare some creamy peanut butter, the dogs would be grateful. As always, the shelter can also use laundry detergent, bleach, and Clorox wipes. Check the website for a full wish list.

HSBC information

Peggy Schilling Animal Adoption & Education Center

Last Update: Jun 06, 2018 2:39 pm CDT

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