WATCH: Joel Zimmerman From The WCEDC On Diane’s Kitchen!

Joel discusses several new businesses in the county, updates on fiber optic upgrades, and the upcoming awards banquet.

WATCH: Joel Zimmerman From The WCEDC On Diane’s Kitchen!

Diane's Kitchen, presented by The Body Shop Fitness Centers, is not a cooking show but a 30-minute video podcast in our kitchen with people of interest hosted by Diane Dryden. “We’ll drink coffee and discuss what's going on in the neighborhood.”


This week on Diane's Kitchen, Diane chats with Washburn County Economic Development Corporation's Executive Director, Joel Zimmerman.

The two chat about several new businesses in the county, updates on the fiber optic upgrades, the upcoming awards banquet, and much much more.


This week's chat will premiered on our Facebook page ( at noon. You can also watch the chat on our Youtube channel, or stream below.


Guests on Diane’s Kitchen are made possible by Aaron Arf and Katie Folstad of the Edina Realty Lakes Team - “Experience to Guide You Home.”

Diane's Kitchen sends a special thank you to this week's Show Sponsor, Greenfield Physical Therapy & Sports Medicine.

Last Update: Mar 15, 2020 9:46 am CDT

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