Washburn County District Attorney Aaron Marcoux Issues Press Release On Conspiracy To Deliver Heroin Case

Heroin Conspiracy Conviction Concludes Eight-Year Investigation.

Washburn County District Attorney Aaron Marcoux Issues Press Release On Conspiracy To Deliver Heroin Case

WASHBURN COUNTY - Washburn County District Attorney Aaron Marcoux announced in a press release Thursday a significant milestone in the fight against drug trafficking as Antionette Brewer was convicted of Conspiracy to Deliver Heroin. This conviction, handed down on May 9, 2024, carries a sentence of 25 years in the Wisconsin State Prison System, comprising 15 years of initial incarceration followed by 10 years of extended supervision.

Press Release

Washburn County District Attorney Aaron Marcoux announced that Antionette Brewer was convicted of Conspiracy to Deliver Heroin. On May 9, 2024, Brewer was sentenced to 25 years in the Wisconsin State Prison System, consisting of 15 years of initial incarceration followed by 10 years of extended supervision. This case concluded a multistate heroin conspiracy investigation that was initiated in 2016. The investigation revealed a heroin distribution network from Minneapolis, Minnesota through Burnett, Washburn, and Sawyer Counties in Wisconsin involving no less than 74 individuals. The investigation resulted in the seizure of over 100 grams of heroin and 28 drug-related felony convictions of no less than 17 different individuals. The sentences for these convictions totaled 105 years of initial incarceration in the Wisconsin State Prison System followed by 109 years of extended supervision as well as 27 years of probation and 1 and a half years of local jail time.

Related: Latest Sentencing In Washburn County Heroin Trafficking Conspiracy Ring

District Attorney Marcoux stated, “I am grateful to the law enforcement members of the Washburn County Sheriff’s Department, Sawyer County Sheriff’s Department, Wisconsin Department of Justice Division of Criminal Investigation, Hayward Police Department, Spooner Police Department, LCO Police Department, Minneapolis Police Department as well as the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Federal Drug Enforcement Agency. Specifically, I would like to thank Former Sawyer County Drug Investigator Jaymes Poplin, Retired DCI Special Agent Jay Smith, DCI Agent Shawn Sutherland, and Washburn County Drug Investigator Tyler Walsh. If it were not for these men’s tenacity and determination to free our streets of these very dangerous drugs, this would not have been possible.”

Lastly, Marcoux said, “While I am happy to see this 8-year process come to an end, bearing so much fruit, and have been honored to be able to prosecute many of these cases myself, first as the Sawyer County Assistant District Attorney when the investigation began and now as the Washburn County District Attorney as it came to a close, above all, I would like to extend my deepest condolences to the 6 families who lost loved ones to drug overdose during the course of the investigation. Nothing will ever adequately address your loss and you will forever be in my prayers.”

Last Update: May 09, 2024 6:33 pm CDT

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Crime & Court

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