
Town of Cable Receives Healthy Communities Designation

Town of Cable Receives Healthy Communities Designation

On Monday September 17, 2018 the University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Medicine and Public Health unveiled the 31 communities from around Wisconsin who will receive the inaugural Healthy Communities Designation. Cable is receiving a Bronze Municipality designation and is the only northern Wisconsin community to receive an award.

The Wisconsin Healthy Communities Designation is a new initiative offered by the Mobilizing Action Towards Community Health (MATCH) group of the UW Population Health Institute (UWPHI), in collaboration with diverse statewide groups. The program, funded by the Wisconsin Partnership Program, is designed to celebrate and encourage achievements in health improvement in Wisconsin, and to serve as a guide for communities to expand and enhance their health improvement efforts.

Sue Thurn, town board member who oversaw Cable’s application says she is thrilled to have the town recognized. “Cable is an amazing place. We host world class sporting events, but we also have a diverse community that loves to get outdoors and stay active year-round. We have strong relationships with many organizations who focus on providing opportunities to stay healthy. It is an honor to be recognized in this way”.

The designation program recognizes communities that focus efforts across the multiple factors that influence health – including health behaviors, clinical care, social and economic factors, and the physical environment – with a focus on equity, multisector partnerships and sustainable solutions.

“This initiative was developed in response to a request from rural communities across the state and gives communities of all shapes and sizes – rural and urban – an opportunity to be recognized for the great work that they are doing to improve their own health,” said Tim Size, executive director of the Rural Wisconsin Health Cooperative, a collaborative of 42 rural hospitals and local health systems, and a member of the UW Population Health Institute’s advisory board.

The communities will be recognized at the 2018 Healthiest State Summit, September 20-21 at the KI Convention Center in Green Bay. This two-day summit is a statewide gathering of leaders to work on shared priorities around health equity and to build skills.

For more information contact the Cable Area Chamber of Commerce at 715.798.3833 or info@cable4fun.com

Last Update: Sep 18, 2018 12:07 pm CDT

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