Stafsholt Condemns Violence In Washington, D.C.

Madison, WI –Rob Stafsholt (R - New Richmond) issued the following statement in response to violence occurring today in Washington, D.C.

Stafsholt Condemns Violence In Washington, D.C.

Press Release

Madison, WI –Rob Stafsholt (R - New Richmond) issued the following statement in response to violence occurring today in Washington, D.C.:

“I understand how frustrated many Americans are right now, but violence will not solve the problem. This session we must focus on election reform in order to secure the integrity of our elections. It is vital for everyone to have confidence in the outcome of our elections.”

“I opposed the violence in Madison this summer and I do again for Washington, D.C. The violence occurring in Washington, D.C right now is unacceptable and I fully condemn it. All Americans have the right to protest, but violence and mob rule cannot be tolerated. Anyone participating in violence or threatening public safety must be arrested and brought to justice.”

Last Update: Jan 06, 2021 5:08 pm CST

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