Sheriff Fitzgerald Letter Of Appreciation To Law Enforcement

"Law Enforcement Officers in Barron County and across the country are called upon to perform miracles and to do the impossible."

Sheriff Fitzgerald Letter Of Appreciation To Law Enforcement

Letter of Appreciation

Over the past years, local law enforcement in the area has seen the tragedy of line of duty deaths hit too close to home, bringing the dangers and stresses of the job to the front lines.  But due to your local support we have been able to hold and maintain that line that we are called upon to protect and enforce.

Especially over the last couple of years, with the impact of the tornadoes and the Closs case, law enforcement was called upon to assist our community in ways we have never had to before and I could not have been more proud of the work and the effort they put forth.

At any given time your local Law Enforcement Officers in Barron County and across the country are called upon to perform miracles and to do the impossible. At the scene of an automobile accident, they are expected to perform as doctors, paramedics, and traffic engineers. Responding to a domestic disturbance they are expected to perform as counselors and therapists, as well as keepers of the peace. Dealing with juveniles, they are expected to perform as parents, teachers, and sociologists. In the courtroom they are expected to be lawyers. If they do not perform with excellence every day, they risk complaints from the public, suits from disgruntled defendants, investigations by the news media, and even death when a life-threatening situation are not handled properly.

Nevertheless, each day the men and women in law enforcement in Barron County from dispatchers, jailers and patrol officers put on their uniform to serve the citizens of Barron County with honor and pride.  With our dispatcher taking over 14,000 911 calls, our jail staff booking in over 2000 people in the jail and local law enforcement officers handling over 46,000 calls we are honored to serve and protect you and your family.

So on this week as we take time to remember all the fallen law enforcement officers who have given the ultimate sacrifice please join me in Thanking all law enforcement in Barron County for the job they do each day.

Per Barron County Sheriff Chris Fitzgerald

Last Update: May 11, 2020 3:16 pm CDT

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