Senator Quinn Reacts To State Of The State Address

State Senator Romaine Robert Quinn issued this statement following Governor Evers’ 2023 State of the State Address.

Senator Quinn Reacts To State Of The State Address

MADISON – State Senator Romaine Robert Quinn (R-Cameron) issued this statement following Governor Evers’ 2023 State of the State Address:

“The Governor highlighted that he’s excited to work on many of the things that the people of northern Wisconsin have been demanding: things like expansion of high-speed internet, or funding so that our towns, cities, and villages can provide essential services like fire, police, and EMS. As vice-chair of the Senate Education Committee, I am also optimistic about his promise to put more emphasis on reading and math in our schools, something the Legislature has been calling for.

“Entering into a budget cycle where we’re starting from a surplus means we have the opportunity to invest in Northern Wisconsin at the same time as we are eyeing tax relief. Advancing the shared priorities of the citizens of this state is going to require a team effort between the Governor and the Legislature. Governor Evers said the word ‘together’ plenty of times tonight – time will tell how much he meant it.”

Last Update: Jan 25, 2023 9:25 am CST

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