
Rise In COVID-19 Cases Calls For Increased Precautions To Protect Health Statewide

Residents in counties experiencing ‘high’ COVID Community Levels recommended to wear masks indoors in public.

Rise In COVID-19 Cases Calls For Increased Precautions To Protect Health Statewide

As the Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) continues to monitor an increase in the spread and impact of COVID-19 across the state, DHS recommends that Wisconsinites know their COVID-19 Community Level and increase take additional precautions against COVID-19 to protect health and save lives.

“Although the virus continues to change, we have the tools to fight it thanks to effective vaccines, accessible testing, and new treatments,” said Karen Timberlake, DHS Secretary-designee. “As cases increase statewide, all Wisconsinites have an essential role to play in keeping ourselves and our communities healthy and protecting those around us, especially those who are at high-risk for severe illness.”

DHS continues to track the impact of COVID-19 using CDC’s COVID-19 Community Levels, which are based on the number of new cases and hospital capacity. As of May 12, 2022, CDC data indicate seven Wisconsin counties have moved into the high COVID-19 Community Level category, 38 Wisconsin counties are experiencing a medium COVID-19 Community Level, and 27 are experiencing a low COVID-19 Community Level.

Residents in counties with a high COVID-19 Community Level are recommended to wear a well-fitting mask or respirator in public indoor settings, regardless of vaccination status.

View the entire news release.

Last Update: May 16, 2022 10:50 am CDT

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