Replacement Of CTH T Bridge Over Vermillion River Scheduled To Start Monday

CTH T will be closed to traffic for this project.

Replacement Of CTH T Bridge Over Vermillion River Scheduled To Start Monday

BARRON COUNTY -- Replacement of the CTH T Bridge over the Vermillion River, located north of USH 8, is scheduled to start on Monday, April 4, 2022.

Work will consists of removal of the existing bridge, construction of a new, single span concrete girder bridge and associated bridge approach work. The project is funded by Wisconsin Department of Transportation County Highway Improvement funds and matching Barron County funds.

CTH T will be closed to traffic for this project. The marked detour will be CTH P and USH 8. It is anticipated that the construction will be completed in mid-June.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Barron County Highway Department at 715-637-3755.

As a reminder, when you encounter work zones, please pay attention as conditions may change. You are also reminded that the use of hand-held devices, such as cell phones, in a work zone is against the law. Please help protect yourself and all construction personnel by putting down your phone and paying attention to the road.

- Per Mark Servi, Barron County Highway Commissioner

Last Update: Mar 30, 2022 10:12 am CDT

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