
Rep. Quinn Announces Re-Election Campaign for 75th District

Rep. Quinn Announces Re-Election Campaign for 75th District

On Tuesday, Romaine Robert Quinn announced his re-election campaign for the 75th Assembly District. During his time in the legislature, Quinn has developed a reputation for authoring bi-partisan bills that address the challenges and opportunities facing Northern and Western Wisconsin. 

This session, Quinn passed two bills to help people recovering from the disastrous storms that swept through Northern Wisconsin last summer.  His legislation earned him the Wisconsin Electric Cooperative Association’s “Enlightened Legislator of the Year” award.  He also passed bills to increase access to broadband internet, attract telecommuters, assist the Town of Cable's efforts to redevelop the Telemark Ski Lodge, increase apprenticeship opportunities for high school students, and to maintain Wisconsin's outdoor sporting heritage.  Quinn also voted for significant increases to the education budget.  “Our children are our best resource, and we need to invest in them,” said Quinn.  “That’s why I voted to give millions of new dollars for our local, frugal school districts while balancing the state budget and without raising taxes.”

“Of the bills I've passed, most have had a direct impact on our district, and most have been bipartisan,” said Quinn. “People don't want political games – they want real results that make a difference. I have had the opportunity to talk with people from every corner of our district, and they often bring forward the best ideas for bills. Fighting to make sure our needs are met is my first priority in Madison.”

He noted that the bill he is most proud of came directly from a conversation with a constituent named Collin Mitchell. “Collin has an invisible disability that impacts how he interacts with people, including a police officer during a traffic stop,” said Quinn. “He asked how we could help other people like him avoid those problems – and after two years, I was incredibly proud to stand next to Collin as Governor Walker signed 'Collin's Law,' which gives police a new tool to identify people with invisible disabilities and interact with them in a way that ensures better outcomes for everyone.”

Quinn has also been a leader in the Rural Wisconsin Initiative, a group of legislators who work on issues affecting rural Wisconsin. “When I first got to Madison, I saw that rural voices weren't always heard,” said Quinn. “In my first term, I worked with my colleagues to create a group that would advocate for our districts. We have continued to work together this session to focus on health care, workforce development, education, and internet access.”  Quinn’s advocacy for rural issues has earned widespread recognition: he is receiving the “Friend of the Towns” award from the Wisconsin Towns Association; and will be recognized by the Wisconsin State Telecommunications Association for his efforts to expand broadband.  “Serving you in the legislature has truly been an honor, and I humbly ask for your support once again this November.”

Voters can learn more about Romaine Quinn’s campaign for the 75th Assembly District on facebook.com/quinnfor75th or email questions to quinnforassembly@gmail.com.  Constituent service questions should still be addressed to rep.quinn@legis.wisconsin.gov.

Last Update: Apr 24, 2018 9:02 am CDT

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