Rep. Milroy Statement On Gray Wolves Being Delisted From Endangered Species List

Milroy pleased for farmers, looks forward to working with DNR, public, and Tribes on sustainable management

Rep. Milroy Statement On Gray Wolves Being Delisted From Endangered Species List

Press Release

Rep. Nick Milroy (D-South Range) issued the following statement regarding the announcement that gray wolves will be removed from the federal endangered species list for all states with the exception of Alaska and Hawaii, effective January 4, 2021:

“I was pleased to hear that gray wolves will soon be delisted from the endangered species list. What has happened with the gray wolf population is a great success story of the Endangered Species Act, which exists to protect and recover threatened and endangered species.

“For far too long, farmers have lost livestock and have had a limited ability to protect their animals as a result of gray wolves going unmanaged. This has made it difficult for our farmers to earn a living and it has drained taxpayer resources on depredation claims.

“I am also pleased that the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) has stated its plans to conduct managed hunts of the gray wolf based on science with input from the public and Tribes. I have great confidence in the Department’s ability to sustainably manage the hunt. I look forward to working with the DNR, the public, and the Tribes to implement a framework for the sustainable management of this culturally important species, one that includes a limited harvest season based on sound science and the ability of farmers to protect their livestock.”

Last Update: Oct 30, 2020 1:36 pm CDT

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