Rep. Jarchow: 'Hooray for the Risk Takers'

Rep. Jarchow: 'Hooray for the Risk Takers'

I read with great excitement last week that the First Bank of Baldwin will be opening a branch office at the old RCU building in Balsam Lake. This is great news. And it was brought to you entirely by risk takers.

First, the folks who took the risk to buy the building when RCU left. Second, the bank and its shareholders. Third, the contractors doing the work to get it ready to open.

Without these folks who were willing to put their money at risk, we wouldn’t have a bank coming back to our community. This one endeavor has already added to our economy. It will grow jobs, grow the tax base and grow our economy. The one missing mention here is government. It played no role (except to hold up the process and wrangle some permit money out of the risk takers).

This is the beauty of our capitalist system. Risk takers (not government) creates. So to the risk takers, I say thank you for contributing to our economy.  You may find yourself or a family member working for the bank or a business the bank helps finance. So I hope you will join me in thanking the risk takers who make this possible.

Rep. Adam Jarchow, 28th Assembly District

Last Update: Jun 21, 2018 4:36 pm CDT

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