A follow up to our search warrant in the early morning hours of 03/29/18 on Rice Lake Road in the Town of Minong. As you know Rodney Kerstern was arrested and is in custody. He is on a $10,000 Cash Bond.
Kersten is still in custody and is waiting further court proceedings on the States Case of Felony Possession of Meth. Kerstern also has a Federal Felony Warrant for 3 counts of delivery of meth and will soon face Federal court proceedings.
5 other individuals were arrested during this search warrant and investigation.
- Janice Chaffey, Minong, WI, 65 years of age for Felony Bail Jumping, Possess Drug Para. and Maintain a Drug Trafficking Place, Chaffey is in custody on a $25,000 Cash Bond.
- Pete H. Coffey, Springbrook, WI, 43 years of age, for Possess Drug Para, Coffey and was Booked and Released.
- Jody Gouge Kujawa, Springbrook WI, 46 years of age for Possess Drug Para and was Booked and Released.
- Bradley R. Young, Stone Lake, WI, 37 years of age for Possess of Meth and Possess of Drug Para. Young posted his bond and was released.
- Tomi Jo Quagon, Stone Lake, WI, 35 years of age for Felony Possession of THC 2nd Offense. Quargon was Released from the jail and transported to Sawyer County Jail under a probation hold from DOC.
We hope these arrests will eliminate the drug house on Rice Lake Road in the Town of Minong. The illegal activity has been going on at this home for many years. We will to ask either the state court prosecutors or federal court prosecutors to seize this property and hopefully put an end to illegal drug activity at this house.
Sheriff Dryden
**Previous Post**
Washburn County Man, Others Arrested in Early Morning Hours
Thursday, March 29, 2018 | Washburn County Sheriff's Office l News Release

Washburn County Sheriff's Office, Drug Investigation Unit, along with our Special Response Team and the WI Department of Justice, Division of Criminal Investigation, executed a search warrant approx. 1:30 this morning at a residence on Rice Lake Road, Township of Minong.
Rodney Kersten was arrested for Felony Meth charges. 5 others were arrested on various drug offenses. Arrest charges are pending and our investigation continues. No other information at this time.
Kersten has been indicted by a Federal Grand Jury and charged with three counts of distributing methamphetamine. A possible prison of term of 20 years on each count.
Sheriff Dryden
**Previous Post**
Washburn County Man Charged with Distributing Meth
Thursday, March 29, 2018 | U.S. DOJ l Press Release

Rodney Kersten [pictured above] 60, Minong, Wisconsin, is charged with three counts of distributing methamphetamine. The indictment alleges that he distributed methamphetamine in May 2015, October 2015, and August 2016.
If convicted, Kersten faces a maximum penalty of 20 years in federal prison on each count. The charges against him are the result of an investigation by the Wisconsin Department of Justice Division of Criminal Investigation, Federal Bureau of Investigation, and Washburn County Sheriff’s Department. The prosecution of this case is being handled by Assistant U.S. Attorney David Reinhard.
Pursuant to the direction of the Wisconsin Supreme Court, as found in Supreme Court Rule 20:3.6, Trial Publicly, you are advised that a charge is merely an accusation and that a defendant is presumed innocent until and unless proven guilty.