Meth Tip Line Announced for Burnett County

Meth Tip Line Announced for Burnett County

This past year Restorative Justice of NW WI (RJNW) focused on methamphetamine in Burnett County. RJNW started with a Meth Town Hall that was used to educate and inform the community of the issues and what meth was doing to the county. Since that town hall in June, there have been many efforts to bring awareness to the methamphetamine problem. 

There was a “Choose Life Over Meth” yard sign campaign. This was done in June, which the Burnett County Board proclaimed Meth Awareness month. There were newspaper series, billboards, and community presentations that were all intended to educate the community.  The kNOw METH Facebook page was launched.  It keeps the community informed on what is happening with meth both in Burnett and surrounding counties.  There are stories of success, along with educational information about the drug itself.   

With meth still being a problem in Burnett county, we would like to introduce a meth tip line.  This tip line is now available to residents of Burnett County. Barron County Sheriff Chris Fitzgerald has generously allowed us to use the Barron County number of 537-METH. All Burnett county information that is called in and reported, will be relayed to appropriate departments within the county.

Now you must do your part. If you have information or see suspicious drug activity please, report to this tip line. If you see something, say something! Law enforcement cannot get methamphetamine off the streets and away from the youth in the community without your help.  You will be able to leave information and remain anonymous. Remember to call 911 for emergencies, this is a non-emergency tip line only.

Last Update: Jan 11, 2017 10:59 am CST

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