
Meet Colette Piskie Whose Goal In Life Is To Keep People In Stitches

Colette is actively seeking others to share her passion with a purpose

Meet Colette Piskie Whose Goal In Life Is To Keep People In Stitches

Note: Diane's Kitchen is not a cooking show but a chat in our kitchen with people of interest hosted by Diane Dryden. We’ll drink coffee and discuss what's going on in the neighborhood.

SPOONER, WI -- Today on Diane's Kitchen, meet Colette Piskie who is actively seeking others to share her passion with a purpose. A shout-out welcoming experienced quilters and complete novices to join together in order to make over 154 quilts by October 2020 for the 829 Army National Guard personnel and local veterans. These quilts acting as a permanent “Thank you for your service” reminder. Two phone numbers for further information are: Collette-715-635-8162 or the Faith Lutheran Church in Spooner, 715-635-8167.


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Last Update: Dec 10, 2019 4:24 pm CST

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