
Man Sentenced to Prison on Meth Charges in Sawyer County

Man Sentenced to Prison on Meth Charges in Sawyer County

SAWYER COUNTY -- A Chippewa Falls man has been sentenced to serve a prison term on his meth related conviction in Sawyer County Circuit Court.

Brandon Price, of Chippewa Falls, WI, was charged in Sawyer County Circuit Court following a traffic stop in November 2017 when a Sawyer County Sheriff’s Deputy stopped a vehicle that Price was in along with 4 other individuals.

According to a criminal complaint filed against Price, he initially gave a false name to officers. During the course of the traffic stop, officers located a backpack belonging to Price which contained numerous items of drug paraphernalia including a baggie holding a white substance. Tests on the items found in the backpack came back positive for methamphetamine.

Price was charged with Class I Felony Possession of Methamphetamine, Misdemeanor Possess Drug Paraphernalia, and Misdemeanor Obstruct an Officer.

Online circuit court records show that Price appeared on September 4, 2018 while in custody and entered a plea of Guilty to his charge of Class I Felony Possession of Methamphetamine.

Price was found Guilty by the Court and ordered to serve 3 years: 18 months incarcerated, followed by 18 months extended supervision. The Court also ordered Price to pay over $1,000 in fines and costs and to comply with any conditions imposed by the Department of Corrections.

**Previous Post**

Chippewa Falls Man with Long List of Felonies Wanted in Sawyer County on Meth Charges

Wednesday, December 27, 2017 | DrydenWire

On Dec. 15, 2017, Brandon Price, 27, of Chippewa Falls, was charged in Sawyer County Circuit Court with possession of meth, possession of drug paraphernalia and resisting or obstructing an officer, for an incident that occurred on Nov. 9, at 12:51 am, in the Town of Hayward.
A bench warrant was issued for Price’s arrest on Dec. 19.

According to the criminal complaint, a Sawyer County deputy initiated a traffic stop of a black Dodge truck when the registered plate came back to an owner who had a suspended license. The stop occurred near Duffy Road on Hwy 77.

The deputy approached the vehicle and asked the driver how many people were in the vehicle to which the driver responded there were five. The deputy asked the driver to pull into the bowling alley parking lot because it was slippery and snowing and they were on the road where it could be dangerous. According to the complaint, the driver pulled out in front of an approaching vehicle as if he didn't even look first and the deputy honked at him.

In the parking lot, the deputy asked him what he thought he was doing pulling in front of a vehicle and the driver said the squad car lights were blinding him, the deputy reported. “I asked him to step out. I was nervous about his driving behavior and that there were five people in the truck that I could not see,” the deputy reported. “He stepped out and he told me he was in an area that he was not familiar with.”

The deputy reported that he asked the driver to tell everyone in the truck to get out their licenses. The driver also told the deputy that he was homeless. The deputy asked him what he was doing in Hayward and he said he was on his way to his mom’s house in Red Cliff.

According to the complaint, the driver then said one of his passengers wanted to see a friend who they just dropped off, so they were heading to her house, but got scared because the driver was “night blind” from the snow and lights and they turned around.

The deputy reported he was confused by what he was saying. The drive then said he was dropping off his passengers at their homes. He told the deputy that his friends lived at S & J Trailer Park. The deputy asked the driver if he had been drinking or doing any drugs and he replied, “no sir, sober as a joke.”

The deputy spoke to a passenger who told him he didn’t know who the girls in the truck were or who the girl was that the driver referred to coming from their house. The passenger told the deputy that they were coming from the casino. The deputy reported their stories weren’t adding up.

The deputy ran all five names and the two girls in the back seat came back clear, the driver was valid. One person in the vehicle stated he was Beau Price, and they couldn’t find anything to come back on him. He said he was from Missouri and they still couldn’t find anything on a Beau Price.

One deputy on scene then noticed a pile of gem bags in the passenger door. After a series of questioning of the five persons, several said it wasn’t theirs, and the two girls said they didn’t know who the guys were.

The driver then spoke to the deputy and said he didn’t know if he would find drugs in the car and he said he didn’t know what the gem bags were used for. He said the only thing he knew gem bags were used for was for marijuana or bead work. The driver told the deputy that his mom does bead work.

The deputy then spoke with “Beau” and asked him if there were any drugs in the car. He answered, “no, no, not that I know of, shouldn’t be.”

The complaint further states the deputy asked him what he meant by there shouldn’t be. The deputy asked him if he knew what gem bags were used for and he said yes, and agreed they were used for illegal drug trafficking. The deputy asked him who they belonged to and he said he didn’t know but wouldn’t’ tell anyways, because he is not a rat.

After questioning all five persons, the deputy reported that no one knew who the gem bags belonged to so the deputy informed the owner of the vehicle that he would be responsible for them. He also asked the owner for permission to search the vehicle, which the owner said he wasn’t giving him permission, according to the complaint.

At that time, other deputies were arresting “Beau” who they found to be Brandon P. Price who had warrants for his arrest.

The other persons were taken out of the vehicle and allowed to sit in the back of the squad cars willingly so that they could stay warm, according to the complaint.

The deputy found about 40 to 50 gem bags in the passenger door and some appeared to have been used.

“I also noticed on the floor in plain view of the passenger side was a green/blue tube bent with a rubber band,” the deputy reported. “Inside of the tube had a bunch of white powdery substance.”

In a backpack that contained information on Price, deputies found multiple small white pills later identified as phenobarbital 30milligrams, black sunglasses containing two used needles, two tweezers, a small electric trimmer and other tools and a cut piece of straw with residue.

Also in the backpack, according to the criminal complaint, was an orange zippered “Little Z” case containing about 20 unused gem bags similar to the gem bags in the truck door pocket. Also in the Little Z case was two used gem bags with white powder chunks in one of them. An electric scale was also found in the backpack with white powder residue on top of it, and, according to the complaint, a 6-inch clear glass smoking pipe with white residue was found in the seat where Price was sitting.

A test was done on all the white residue on the different paraphernalia and it all came back positive for methamphetamine.

The driver, Brandon Lindemer, 28, Eau Claire, and the owner of the vehicle, Kirk Knowles, 49, were both charged with misdemeanor possession of drug paraphernalia in this case.

On May 16, 2010, Price was charged in Eau Claire County with felony burglary to a dwelling and misdemeanor theft. He was found guilty on June 6, 2011, and sentenced to two years of probation with 30 days in jail to run concurrent with other charges he received on July 29, 2010 when Price was charged with three felonies; burglary to a dwelling, taking a vehicle without owner’s consent, and felony bail jumping and he was also charged with misdemeanor contributing to the delinquency of a child.

On June 6, 2011, in Eau Claire County Court, Price pled to the misdemeanor charge while the three felonies were dismissed and read in. He was sentenced to one year of probation and 30 days in jail.

On September 26, 2011, Price was charged with felony battery but pled down to misdemeanor battery on December 19, 2011 and sentenced 90 days in the county jail to run concurrent with a prison sentence he was already serving.

On November 11, 2011, Price had his probation revoked for his repeat offenses and he was sentenced to 3 years in the state prison system and was given four years of supervision upon release from prison. He was credited with 275 days already served in jail.

On December 12, 2011, his probation on the delinquency to a child case was revoked and Price was sentenced to 9 months in jail to run concurrent and was credited with 275 days in jail already served.

On November 15, 2014, Price was charged with felony possession of heroin with intent to deliver in Eau Claire County. He was also charged with resisting or obstructing an officer. He pled guilty due to no contest on March 25, 2015 and was sentenced to four years of probation and given credit for 130 days of time served.

On February 16, 2015, Price was charged with felony identity theft and then on February 25, 2015, he was charged with a felony for disarming a peace officer. He was found guilty due to no contest on March 4, 2016, in Eau Claire County Court. He was sentenced to three years of probation for both felonies to run concurrent with a one-year probation sentence he was found guilty of on the same day for felony soliciting a child for prostitution on October 22, 2014.

On October 11, 2016, Price pled guilty due to no contest on possession of meth while charges of forgery and three felony counts of identity theft for financial gain, and obstructing an officer were dismissed and read in as part of the plea agreement. He was sentenced to three years of probation. This was an incident that occurred in Eau Claire County on June 8, 2016.

As part of that sentencing, Price wasn’t to have any associations with drugs or drug dealers, nor was he to have any contact with Check into Cash businesses.

Sawyer County has a current bench warrant for the arrest of Brandon Price.

Pursuant to the direction of the Wisconsin Supreme Court, as found in Supreme Court Rule 20:3.6, Trial Publicly, you are advised that a charge is merely an accusation and that a defendant is presumed innocent until and unless proven guilty.

Last Update: Sep 07, 2018 11:19 am CDT

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Crime & Court

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