Highlighting Barron County’s Family Drug Treatment Court During National Drug Court Month

Barron County’s FDTC is one of the more than 300 in the nation

Highlighting Barron County’s Family Drug Treatment Court During National Drug Court Month

BARRON COUNTY -- May is National Drug Treatment Court Month! In 2019, Barron County was awarded a grant to implement a Family Drug Treatment Court (FDTC).

FDTCs serve parents who have a substance use disorder and are involved with the child welfare system. The program aims to reunify parents with their children and improve the safety, well-being and stability of children in Barron County. By utilizing a variety of supportive services and partners, participants in the program are able to receive help with the co-occurring issues that families affected by parental substance abuse face.

Barron County’s FDTC is one of the more than 300 in the nation. Currently, there are 20 adult participants in the program, which impacts 23 children. The program requires participants to complete 5 different milestones before graduating the program. Within each milestone, several different requirements and activities need to be met before advancing to the next milestone. Examples of requirements include completing treatment for substance abuse disorder, taking parenting classes, securing employment and stable housing and maintaining sobriety.

Although the program requires hard work and dedication, participants say that the things they are able to accomplish from being in the program and the support they receive is worth it to be reunified with their children and maintain their sobriety. Many participants note improvement in several aspects of their life in addition to sobriety, including improved mental and physical health, financial stability, housing stability, improved relationships with their children and family, education advancement, and obtaining a driver's license/vehicle.

“On this journey of recovery, Family Drug Treatment Court has helped myself and my family so much along the way” said Breanna, a participant in Barron County’s FDTC. “This amazing team of people have helped support me in many different areas of my life, encouraged me to set and meet goals in a timely manner, and guided me through rebuilding my life. I am so thankful and feel very blessed to be in this program.”

Are you interested in supporting Barron County’s Family Drug Treatment Court? Barron County is currently taking applications for a Recovery Corps member who will work closely with the FDTC program by providing individual and group support to program participants. Applicants must have lived experience with addiction and recovery themselves or with an addicted family member/loved one, be one year sober and actively working on a recovery plan. For more information or to apply, visit here or contact Laura Doebereiner via phone or email at 715-537-6345, laura.doebereiner@co.barron.wi.us

Last Update: May 17, 2021 12:22 pm CDT

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