
Fall Hydrant Flushing in Spooner Scheduled for Monday, September 24th

Fall Hydrant Flushing in Spooner Scheduled for Monday, September 24th

Spooner Municipal Utilities has announced that the fall hydrant flushing program will begin Monday, September 24th and is anticipated to last the entire week, through Friday, September 28th.

Residents may notice discoloration of water when the flushing takes place in their neighborhood. If you experience a discoloration of water, turn on your plumbing fixtures until the water runs clear. It is best to run an outdoor fixture (if possible) or a cold-water tap in a laundry tub or bathtub first until the water runs clear, and then run cold water from other fixtures.

The City realizes that hydrant flushing may cause some inconvenience, however, the flushing program is necessary to maintain a good water supply for both firefighting and domestic consumption. The community's cooperation with the annual hydrant flushing program is appreciated.

For more information, please call City Hall at 715-635-8769. Thank you.

Last Update: Sep 13, 2018 4:02 pm CDT

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