DrydenWire Chats With Washburn County D.A. Aaron Marcoux

Hosts: Ben Dryden and Terry Dryden

DrydenWire Chats With Washburn County D.A. Aaron Marcoux

In this episode of DrydenWire Chats, we welcome newly appointed Washburn County District Attorney, Mr. Aaron Marcoux as our very special guest. We learned about who Aaron is, where he came from, and how he ended up as D.A. in Washburn County.  We also discussed his views on several topics including diversion programs, how he measures success, and his vision for the Washburn County District Attorney’s Office.

Hosts: Ben Dryden and Terry Dryden

Ways to listen

1: Stream our chat by clicking the audio player below

2: Got to our Anchor page to stream/download this episode and all future episodes to your iOS or Android device, or click one of the links below.

3: Watch our chat on our YouTube channel or stream below

Last Update: Oct 07, 2019 6:16 am CDT

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