
Congressman Tiffany's Legislation Requiring Senate Approval Of World Health Organization Treaty Clears House

Bill passed the U.S. House by a bipartisan vote of 219-199.

Congressman Tiffany's Legislation Requiring Senate Approval Of World Health Organization Treaty Clears House

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Rep. Tom Tiffany’s (WI-07) legislation – the No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act – passed the U.S. House by a bipartisan vote of 219-199. This legislation would require any convention or agreement resulting from the work of the World Health Organization’s (WHO) intergovernmental negotiating body to be deemed a treaty, thus requiring the advice and consent of a supermajority of the Senate.

After the WHO mismanaged the pandemic, which included ignoring early warnings from Taiwan about the outbreak of COVID-19 and reinforcing lies from the Communist Chinese Party that there was “no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission,” Americans remain skeptical of continuing infringements on personal liberties and freedoms. The legislation seeks to increase transparency in WHO agreements and provide a constitutional check on the Biden-Harris administration.

"It’s deeply concerning that the Biden-Harris administration would even consider signing the World Health Organization’s pandemic treaty. We cannot stand by as they attempt to surrender control of our public health system to unelected bureaucrats at the WHO and the UN. This legislation is essential to protecting our nation’s sovereignty and ensuring that the safety of American citizens remains in the hands of the U.S., not a corrupt international organization,” said Congressman Tiffany.

While the WHO failed to finalize their pandemic global treaty earlier this year, scandal-plagued WHO Director Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus stated, “We will try everything — believing that anything is possible — and make this happen because the world still needs a pandemic treaty."

59 Members of Congress cosponsored Rep. Tiffany’s No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act. Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) has introduced identical legislation in the Senate, and every Republican senator is a cosponsor.

H.R. 1425 is also supported by the Center for Family and Human Rights, Eagle Forum, Family Research Council, Family Watch International, Heritage Action, Sovereignty Coalition, and Women’s Rights Without Frontiers.

You can read more about H.R. 1425 here. You can watch Rep. Tiffany's floor speech here.

Last Update: Sep 11, 2024 6:36 pm CDT

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