State Senator Janet Bewley Announces Committee Assignments

State Senator Janet Bewley Announces Committee Assignments

(Senator Janet Bewley receiving Wisconsin Builders Association’s “Friend of Housing” Award in 2016)

Press Release - Wisconsin State Senator Janet Bewley (D-District 25), who was recently voted Assistant Minority Leader by her colleagues, will serve on six legislative committees during the 2017-18 session.  The Northern Legislator will also continue in her roles as a member of the Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Board, the Wisconsin Council on Forestry and the State Council on Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse.

Bewley was named the top-ranking Democrat on the Senate Committee on Insurance, Housing & Trade and was appointed to serve on the Economic Development, Commerce & Local Government Committee.  “I will continue to focus on effective economic development, preserving local control over decisions that impact our quality of life and fighting efforts to take money from working taxpayers for handouts to the privileged few,” Bewley said.

Bewley was re-appointed to two vital committees dealing with education issues, the Senate Universities and Technical Colleges Committee and the Education Committee that deals with K-12 issues.  “It becomes clearer every day that our UW and Tech Colleges campuses are crucial to the success of our Northern economy.  And we know that the backbone of a vibrant community is the continued success of local public schools.  I’m especially happy to renew my work on these committees to try and reverse the lasting damage of six years of cuts,” Bewley said.   

Bewley’s new leadership responsibilities in the Senate will also have her serving on the committees on Senate and Legislative Organization in the upcoming session.

Senate District 25 Coverage Map (click for full map)

Note: Press Release issued on January 4, 2017

Last Update: Jan 10, 2017 12:09 pm CST

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