Annual Volunteer-based Deer Survey to Begin August 1

Annual Volunteer-based Deer Survey to Begin August 1

MADISON -- Operation Deer Watch is an annual, volunteer-based wildlife monitoring survey that gives Wisconsin residents a great opportunity to assist with deer herd management efforts.

Data from this survey provide insight to the reproductive status of Wisconsin's deer herd for 2018 and help shape deer management for the state. To get involved, people should record all bucks, does and fawns seen during the day from August 1 to September 30. Volunteers can track their daily observations using an online tally sheet found at, keyword "deer watch."

"This is a fun and useful opportunity for everyone to enjoy Wisconsin's plentiful wildlife," says Brian Dhuey, surveys coordinator for the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. "The Department of Natural Resources encourages anyone interested in deer, from hunters and trappers to outdoor enthusiasts, to take part."

Data from the survey are also used by County Deer Advisory Councils to develop deer season framework, harvest quotas and permit level recommendations.

Last Update: Jul 31, 2018 1:37 pm CDT

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