
21 Things You Might Not Know About Me: Gae Magnafici

This week's 21 Things You Might Not Know About Me features Gae Magnafici, candidate for State Assembly

21 Things You Might Not Know About Me: Gae Magnafici

Editor's Note: This "21 Things" segment was originally published on DrydenWire.com on April 25, 2018, and is being re-published as Gae will be debating her opponent this Friday, October 26, 2018, Live on Facebook hosted by DrydenWire. The debate will begin at 9a (fb.com/drydenwire).

This week's 21 Things You Might Not Know About Me features Gae Magnafici. On March 1st, Gae announced her intention to run for the State Assembly from the 28th District which has been held by Rep. Adam Jarchow (R-Balsam Lake) since 2015.  Jarchow announced that he will not be seeking re-election.  

1. I was born in Amery way back when and raised on a turkey and beef cattle farm near Deronda.  My dad would buy day old calves and haul them home in the back (seat removed) of our 1959 pink Ford sedan.  Later, that was the car I got to drive when I got my driver's license.

2. I am the oldest of seven kids.  We lived in an old farmhouse with no furnace, only a coal stove and later a gas stove in the living room.  The roof leaked so bad I had coffee cans scattered about my room to catch the rainwater.  And the attic was full of bats!

3. We had one phone in the kitchen with a 2-foot cord - so no privacy, not to mention it was a party line with 2 other families.

4. We attended Deronda grade school for grades 1-6.  It was a two room school with 3 grades in each room.  We had a school cook who made the most delicious lunches.  For junior high and high school, we attended Amery.

5. Friday and Saturday nights were spent at the Deronda Roller Rink.  I recently saw skates and case with Deronda Crossroads Roller Rink on it at the Polk County Museum.

6. Music was a big part of my life. I enjoyed playing clarinet in band.  The parades, pep band, and concerts were always fun.  I was also in choir and sang alto.

7. Church was a big part of my life.  My mom and I sang many duets together until a few years before her death.  I still have my Sunday School pins for perfect attendance.

8. I was a member of the "Little Falls Livewires" 4-H Club showing Brown Swiss cows at the Polk County Fair.  One year, I got Grand Champion and showed at the State Fair.

9. Living on the farm, we didn't have to go anywhere to play.  We swam in the river, built tree houses and hay forts, went sledding and skiing and played baseball.  Everything we needed for fun was right there.

10. To make money, I mowed lawns for 50 cents an hour, babysat and working in housekeeping at The Golden Age Manor in Amery.

11. I married young and had a daughter.  At 25 years of age, I went to college for nursing.  I worked a full-time job and a part-time job to pay my own way.  And later I worked a full-time job and 2 part-time jobs to help my daughter through college.

12. As an RN, my first job was in a NICU taking care of premature infants as early as 26 weeks gestation.  Now it's not uncommon for 23 weeks to survive and do well. I am pro-life. I was a pediatric nurse for 35 years working in the PICU, oncology, ER, sedation and procedures at St.Paul Children's.  I retired last year.

13. I was a Hospice volunteer for 2 years.

14. My Dad was chairman of the Polk County Republican Party and ran for the assembly back in the 60's.

15. We bought my grandparents farm and restored the barn and had an annual barn dance.

16. I enjoy gardening.  Pulling weeds is good therapy. My daughter and I have a salsa making weekend, making as much as 250 pints.

17. I was introduced to my current husband by his nephew. (Their daughter had been a patient of mine.)  We each have a daughter and a total of 3 beautiful grandchildren.

18. I love antiques.  Practically everything in our house either came from family, an auction, garage sale or antique store.

19. We have 2 rescue cocker spaniels who are spoiled rotten.

20. I had my own country/rock band for 27 years.  We recorded a record back in 1981.  I still sit in with "Trigger Happy" for various jobs just for fun.

21. I've always wanted to run for office, but my work schedule wouldn't allow it. I love our district and only want the best for everyone.

Last Update: Oct 24, 2018 8:49 am CDT

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