Manage your account and subscription
If you are experiencing any issues logging in, please make sure you are using the correct username and password. If you see an error when logging in, please simply reload the page and try again. On rare occasion our server has a glitch which could cause the login page to not work, but usually a simple 2nd try will work. If you get to a point where you have tried everything to login but are still not able to login, please get in touch with us through our contact form.
To change your password, first click the "Get temporary password" link. Once you receive your temporary password in your email, copy and paste it into the password field. Then, once you are logged in, edit your account by clicking the pencil icon next to your name at the top. You will see a screen appear that has a "Change password" button.
If your credit card expires, you can't just update the expiration date (if the card number is the same), because the new card also has a new CVV code and this needs to all go into the auto-pay system.
Simply delete the old card using the trash icon, and add your new card again. We apologize for any inconvenience, but this is the way it currently works.
Please feel free to visit our Help Center for more information.