(WATCH) DrydenWire Debate: Kim Butler and Gae Magnafici Discuss Their Views on Various Topics

Watch the debate between Kim Butler(D) and Gae Magnafici(R) hosted by DrydenWire

Weekly Wag from the Humane Society of Burnett County

There is still time to pick up tickets for the Dancing With the Dogs fundraiser!

Woman Facing Burglary Charges After Allegedly Breaking Into Siren Residence

Charges were filed after officers confirmed that Larson was not authorized to be at the residence or removing items from the residence.

21 Things You Might Not Know About Me: Gae Magnafici

This week's 21 Things You Might Not Know About Me features Gae Magnafici, candidate for State Assembly

Spooner Woman Sentenced After Pleading Guilty to Child Neglect, Meth Charges

A Spooner, WI woman was sentenced after entering her guilty pleas on charges of Child Neglect, Possession of Methamphetamine, and Felony Bail Jumping in Burnett County Circuit Court.

Burnett County Criminal Disposition & Warrant Status Reports

Criminal & Traffic Disposition and Warrant Status Reports for Burnett County

Burnett County Weekly Jail Booking Report

The following people were recently booked in the Burnett County Jail System.

H.S.B.C. Weekly Wag

Some of you may recall reading about Hazel in July. While we try to avoid repeating a profile, the HSBC staff would be overjoyed to see Hazel get a loving home of her own

Burnett County Criminal Dispo & Warrant Status Reports

Criminal & Traffic Disposition and Warrant Status Reports for Burnett County

Court Accepts Plea Deal on Felony 8th OWI Case

The Court found Bakke guilty and after commending her on progress made in treatment, ordered a sentence of 2 years probation with 1 year jail, imposed and stayed.

Burnett County Weekly Jail Booking Report

The following people were recently booked in the Burnett County Jail System.

Weekly Wag from H.S.B.C.

This week’s Wag features two guys who are looking for homes with activity and adventure

Man Charged in Shooting Death of ‘Nuisance’ Dog

Gavin went on to tell the Deputy that the dog had been a nuisance, always getting into the garbage and that the dog had run away, leading another dog with it and so they had to “get rid of it”.

Healthy Minute: To Drink or Not to Drink

There are millions of people who choose to drink more healthily or stop drinking each year, and their lives and the lives of those around them change as a result.

Deputies Respond to Report of Person Passed Out in Car

After a nurse drew Dixon’s blood for testing, he said that he “smokes pot a lot” and that it would be evident in his blood.

Burnett County Criminal Dispo & Warrant Status Reports

Criminal & Traffic Disposition and Warrant Status Reports for Burnett County

WATCH: Burnett Sheriff Candidates Debate Live on Facebook

Today, Friday, October 5, 2018, Burnett County Sheriff Candiates Tracy Finch and Chris Sybers were in-studio for an online debate.

Weekly Wag from H.S.B.C.

The shelter is still offering its Pick of the Litter discount – adopt one kitten at below regular price and receive another for the cost of a donation.

Healthy Minute: 'The Big Squeeze'

Mammograms, an X-ray of the breast, are the best way to find breast cancer early, when it is easier to treat and before it is big enough to feel or cause symptoms.

Burnett County Criminal Dispo & Warrant Status Reports

DrydenWire.com has been informed by the Burnett County Clerk of Courts Office the following Criminal & Traffic Disposition and Warrant Status Reports for Burnett County

Vehicle Parked In Roadway Leads to OWI 8 Charges for Danbury Man

Criminal Complaint: 'Due to the fact that Russell was parked in the middle of the road, sleeping or passed out behind the wheel, with a bottle of Vodka sitting on the seat next to him, and he blew a .10 on the PBT, Russell was placed under arrest for OWI.'

Burnett County Weekly Jail Booking Report

The following weekly jail booking report is courtesy of the Burnett County Sheriff's Office

Traffic Stop For Headlight Out Leads to OWI 5 Charges

Weekly Wag from HSBC