New Baiting And Feeding Bans For Washburn, Barron, Rusk And Sawyer Counties Effective Oct. 5

State law requires that the DNR enact a 3-year baiting and feeding ban in counties where CWD has been detected.

Natural Connections: Listening In Elk Habitat

"Now that the spell was broken, we talked excitedly about what we’d just seen. We no longer needed to listen intently for the elk."

Wisconsin DNR Asks People Not To Bait Or Feed Deer

Help Slow The Spread Of CWD This Season: Avoid Baiting And Feeding Deer.

Natural Connections: Glacial Refugia­­

The Northwoods are receiving new waves of southern species.

Wisconsin DNR: 'Know Your Target: Don’t Accidentally Shoot Elk Or Moose This Hunting Season'

Understand the difference between elk and white-tailed deer this hunting season.

Natural Connections: Microscopic Minerals

Kali Sipp is from Wild Rose, WI and recently graduated with a degree in geoscience from Northland College.

Natural Connections: Jewels Of The Wilderness

Emily Stone - Naturalist/Education Director at the Cable Natural History Museum.

Invasive Japanese Knotweed Identification And Removal

Japanese knotweed can grow through porous surfaces, damaging foundations.

Help The DNR Monitor Wisconsin’s Elk This Fall

September marks the beginning of the breeding season for elk, with the season running through October.

Natural Connections: Three Little Wasps

The American Pelecinid Wasp has a scary-looking tail that won’t sting you. Only the larvae of Junebugs need be afraid.

Natural Connections: Really Old Rocks

"Even from the highway, we could tell that this rock outcrop was cool."

No Helmet, Seatbelts Top Factors In Wisconsin Youth ATV/UTV Crashes

Over the last five years, 70% of fatal crashes involving operators or passengers under the age of 18 occurred on private lands.

Natural Connections: Nine Places To Find Delight

Emily Stone is the Naturalist/Education Director at the Cable Natural History Museum.

Natural Connections: 'Community Science'

"Community Science has taught me a new way to appreciate the finer details of the Northwoods."

Wisconsin's 2023 Bonus Antlerless Deer Harvest Authorizations Available For Purchase Aug. 14

Bonus antlerless harvest authorizations, formerly known as tags, announced.

Natural Connections: 'Kale: Servant Or Master?'

Ten years ago the Cable Community Farm broke ground through a daunting thatch of quack grass in its location just north of Cable.

Wisconsin DNR Releases Revised Draft Of The 2023 Wolf Management Plan

How Does The Revised Draft Plan Compare To November’s Draft Plan?

Natural Connections: To Mary Oliver

"I mary-olivered all evening. I plan to mary-oliver every day."

Natural Connections: Learning From Banded Loons

"Banded loons are incredibly valuable for loon research."

Natural Connections: Camping With The Cousins

"I wasn’t quite sure what I was getting into when my cousin Meggan decided that this was the summer her crew would come to the Northwoods'

Natural Connections: Fawn Feeding Frenzy

While this fawn is too young to eat plants, they are still mimicking Mom and investigating everything she’s eating.

Natural Connections: The Lake Superior Fishery In Wisconsin Waters

'Dray did a fantastic job of explaining the biology and management of the Wisconsin fishery on Lake Superior.'

Natural Connections: Professor Hike

The Museum’s new director, Rich Jaworski, became Professor Advanced Regeneration during the Wisconsin Master Naturalist Volunteer Training last week.

Wisconsin DNR: Fish Kills Increase Due To Warming Waters

The Wisconsin DNR alerts the public that because water temperatures are heating up, anglers may notice more dead fish than usual.