Natural Connections: Warm Winter Worries

Short-tailed weasels need snowy winters to match the camouflage of their white fur, and to provide safe, warm hunting grounds.

Wisconsin DNR Begins Winter Prescribed Burns

By burning in winter, staff take advantage of wet conditions, which reduces the heat and intensity of cattail marsh and barren burns.

Natural Connections: Snowflake Stories

'As with snow crystals, no two snowflake stories will ever be just alike, and their beauty is a reflection of the community who created them.'

Natural Connections: Germinating Seeds And Excitement In Hawaii

'After seven days in Hawaii my appreciation for the state sprouted like a weed and is ready for another trip!'

Natural Connections: Nenes And Blueberries In Hawaii

"With small, pointed, waxy leaves and bright berries, many of the plants reminded me of species I’d find in bogs in the Northwoods."

DNR Partners With MADD To Promote Snowmobile Safety This Winter

The DNR and MADD want to share these safety tips to make snowmobiling a great experience with all recreation explorers.

Natural Connections: Hawaiian Honeycreepers

"Theirs is a common plight on Hawaii, a hotbed of extinctions."

Natural Connections: Lava In Hawaii And At Home

"The volcanoes of Hawaii were fun to visit, but I have to admit, I prefer my basalt super old with the possibility of agates."

Natural Connections: Flown To Hawaii

"Arriving to Hawaii on relatively large wings feels impressive, but not impossible."

Natural Connections: Lichens And Kipukas In Hawaii

"From afar, Hawaii seems really different from the Northwoods. Upon closer examination, I found all sorts of natural connections."

Natural Connections: Blown To Hawaii

"As different as this tropical paradise is from the Northwoods, I still found plenty of natural connections."

Natural Connections: Banded Iron Formation

"My friend and I breathed deeply, grateful for the oxygen, the beautiful rocks, and the scientists whose research uncovers the Earth’s stories."

Natural Connections: Birch Polypore

'From laughter, to curiosity, to other forms of internal medicine, birch polypore is a common fungus with a lot to offer.'

Lake Trout Season For Lake Superior Opens December 1st

Lake trout are managed in Lake Superior using a quota system with different allocations for different user groups.

Natural Connections: An Old Friend

This world provides us with much to be thankful for.

Natural Connections: Lingering Loons

A juvenile loon lingers on Lake Namakagon, gaining strength for their long flight to the ocean.

'November Is A Sigh' With Lois Nestel

Natural Connections: November is a Sigh with Lois Nestel

Natural Connections: Snow Buntings And Needle Ice Foretell Winter

This week's outdoor features story by Emily Stone, Naturalist/Education Director at the Cable Natural History Museum.

Natural Connections: Fall Colors & Caribou

"Possessed? Sure I’m possessed—by an overwhelming sense of wonder at and gratitude for the experiences I’ve had."

Wisconsin Natural Resources Board Approves 2023 Wolf Management Plan And Rule

Board approved with amendments the Wisconsin DNR revised 2023 Wisconsin Wolf Management Plan and an administrative rule for wolves.

Natural Connections: The Weird Ones

'As with humans, the weirdest organisms are often the most interesting.'

Natural Connections: Slugs

"Dampness cooled my fingers as I lifted softened wood out of the limp maple leaves."

Natural Connections: Midnight Mystery Sound

'The mystery noise had followed us! But since we survived it the previous night, I assumed we’d survive again.'

Natural Connections: Listening To A Boundary Waters Night

The campsite on Winchell Lake is one of the most desirable, although it is not silent after dark.