Natural Connections: Moving North

Red-bellied woodpeckers may use our bird feeders to help them survived extra-cold days as they move north even faster than winter warms.

Total Firearm Deer Harvest In Wisconsin Up 14.4% Over Last Year

Preliminary figures show that hunters registered 203,295 deer during the 2022 gun deer season.

Natural Connections: November Child

Guest writer JoAnn Malek contemplates the shapes of trees in all seasons.

102,347 Deer Were Registered During Wisconsin's Opening Weekend Of 2022 Gun Deer Hunt

15% increase over 2021.

Natural Connections: Not A Lowly Lichen

Spooky though they were, the tiny arms belong to one of the most common lichens I see growing on the ground here in the Northwoods.

Wisconsin DNR Asks Public To Report Black Bear Den Locations

The Wisconsin DNR encourages the public to report any black bear den locations they find across Wisconsin.

Proposed 2022 Wolf Management Plan Available Now

The DNR is holding a 60-day public review and comment period, during which the public can offer feedback on the draft plan.

Natural Connections: The Night Gliders

The long, flat tail of a northern flying squirrels is used like a brake to facilitate precise and graceful landings. Photo by Larry Master, USFWS.

Hunters Encouraged To Participate In DNR’s Deer Donation Program

Since 2000, hunters have donated almost 100,000 deer, totaling more than 3.8 million pounds of venison distributed to Wisconsin food pantries.

Natural Connections: Spongy Moth Discovery

This time of year, spongy moths are preparing to overwinter in egg masses attached to trees.

Natural Connections: What The North Wind Swirls

By Emily Stone, Naturalist/Education Director at the Cable Natural History Museum

New US 53/63 Interchange In Trego To Open Tuesday Afternoon

Project completion in 2022 is expected by Nov. 25, with final restoration of disturbed areas continuing in spring 2023.

Northwest WI Regional Weekly Construction Update - Oct. 21, 2022

Road construction project updates for Barron, Burnett, Polk, Rusk, Sawyer, and Washburn counties.

National Park Service To Conduct Brush Removal In St. Croix Falls

St. Croix National Scenic Riverway plans to conduct understory brush removal along St. Croix River.

The Connecticut Warbler Population Has Decreased Severely In Wisconsin

DNR And Partners Take Emergency Actions To Save Disappearing Songbird

Natural Connections: Shades Of Rot And Life

Beside the wide, dirt trail, a ruffle of turkey tail fungus cascaded down the graceful curve of a tree trunk like an earth-toned ball gown.

Northwest WI Regional Weekly Construction Update - Oct. 14, 2022

Road construction project updates for Barron, Burnett, Polk, Rusk, Sawyer, and Washburn counties.

Wisconsin DNR Seeking Hunting Mentors For New Hunters

The DNR offers a variety of opportunities to help facilitate mentored hunting for people of all ages and backgrounds.

Natural Connections: Stories Buzzing In A Wasp Nest

Bald-faced hornets typically die with the hard frosts of fall, but this unfortunate colony built their nest too close to humans and were exterminated.

Attention Hunters: Help Slow The Spread Of Invasive Species

The Wisconsin DNR is asking hunters to help slow the spread of invasive species while out in the field this hunting season.

Natural Connections: Firefly Fall

As nights sparkle with frost instead of fireflies, it’s a good time to make sure our yards provide just as good habitat as wilderness campsites for these fanciful and ferocious critters.

DNR Recommends Testing Deer For CWD Before Consuming Venison

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources encourages hunters to get their deer tested for chronic wasting disease before consuming venison.

2021-2022 Winter Wolf Survey Results, Wolf Management Plan Update

"While the wolf population estimate is lower than the previous winter, the current population remains nearly as large and widespread as it has been in recent years."

Natural Connections: Journey Through Fall

"Every year, when the air turns crisp, the dogbane leaves glow lemony from the ditches, and the ash leaves fade to mustard in the swamps, I feel the urge to travel."